About the Authors
Dr Christian Thuile
Dr Christian Thuile graduated in medicine from The Medical
University of Vienna. He is President of the International Medical
Association for Energetic Medicine and is lector (Associate
Professor) of Complimentary Medicine at The Medical University of
Vienna. He practices medicine in Vienna as a General Practitioner
specialising in Energy-based medicine. He is the author of various
books: Practice of Magnetic Therapy (IGEM), Guide to MRS Therapy
(IGEM), C.E.S. Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (IGEM), Leben mit
Vergeßlichkeit (Neomedica Verlag, Wien), So hilft Ihnen das
Magnetfeld (Haug-Thieme Verlag), Das Große Buch der
Magnetfeldtherapie (Neomedica Verlag), Gefährliche Strahlungen
(Molden Verlag), Heilsame Schwingungen (Molden Verlag).